quinsy / ˈkwɪn zi /


quinsy 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a suppurative inflammation of the tonsils; suppurative tonsillitis; tonsillar abscess.


  1. I prevailed by undertaking to do any mortal thing he liked, as long as he lay where he was with that quinsy.
  2. Quinsy, kwin′zi, n. an inflammatory affection of the substance of the tonsils, attended when fully developed by suppuration.
  3. Witty men said that the orator had not caught a sore throat, but a silver quinsy during the night.
  4. My quinsy has altogether left me, and my blood flows strong after the rest.
  5. At this extraordinary sight the bishop was seized with a fit of laughter, which burst the quinsy, and saved his life.