quaker-ladies / ˈkweɪ kərˌleɪ diz /


quaker-ladies 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. One was a Quaker school, whose name he can no longer recall, in upstate New York.
  2. On a recent afternoon, the head of the Social Inquiry Foundation, Maria Gaidar, received two elderly ladies in her Moscow office.
  3. Hello Ladies is, of course, about your British character navigating the L.A. dating scene.
  4. How long did you see Hello Ladies going prior to HBO pulling the plug?
  5. And where did the idea of the Hello Ladies movie come about?
  6. There were at least a dozen ladies seated round the big table at the Parsonage.
  7. There were three young men and four young ladies, of whom three, including myself, were Americans.
  8. Devoutly and ardently did Mr. Snodgrass wish that the ladies could know he had come in.
  9. In his cracked old voice, he still paid his Grandisonian compliments to the two ladies.
  10. Orlean had secured a position in a ladies' tailoring establishment at five dollars and fifty cents a week, and there he went.