quadriga / kwɒˈdri gə, -ˈdraɪ- /


quadriga 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural quad·ri·gae [kwo-dree-gahy, -drahy-jee]. /kwɒˈdri gaɪ, -ˈdraɪ dʒi/. Classical Antiquity.

  1. a two-wheeled chariot drawn by four horses harnessed abreast.


  1. The god is standing upright in his quadriga, conducted by Mercury and holding in his arms the form of Vibia.
  2. It represents a picture in a circle, repeated over and over again, of a warrior in his quadriga.
  3. A Hercules within, and the quadriga upon the gable of the same temple, both also of terra-cotta, are ascribed to this artist.
  4. The helmeted Athené and Helios in his quadriga figure by the side of Buddha.
  5. Quadriga, kwod-rī′ga, n. in Greek and Roman times a two-wheeled car drawn by four horses abreast:—pl.