quadriga 的定义
plural quad·ri·gae [kwo-dree-gahy, -drahy-jee]. /kwɒˈdri gaɪ, -ˈdraɪ dʒi/. Classical Antiquity.
- a two-wheeled chariot drawn by four horses harnessed abreast.
- The god is standing upright in his quadriga, conducted by Mercury and holding in his arms the form of Vibia.
- It represents a picture in a circle, repeated over and over again, of a warrior in his quadriga.
- A Hercules within, and the quadriga upon the gable of the same temple, both also of terra-cotta, are ascribed to this artist.
- The helmeted Athené and Helios in his quadriga figure by the side of Buddha.
- Quadriga, kwod-rī′ga, n. in Greek and Roman times a two-wheeled car drawn by four horses abreast:—pl.