q-ratio / ˈkyuˌreɪ ʃoʊ, -ʃiˌoʊ /


q-ratio 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the ratio of the total market value of a corporation's physical assets, as existing plants and equipment, to the cost of replacing these assets.


  1. Carlisle writes that the Air Force would want a crew ratio of 10 to one for each drone orbit during normal everyday operations.
  2. During an emergency that ratio could be allowed to drop to 8.5 people per orbit.
  3. However, the Air Force is so strapped for people that the ratio has dropped below even that reduced level.
  4. The Italian navy tweeted regular updates of the saved-to-stranded passenger ratio.
  5. From that, they extracted the ratio of the number of deuterium atoms to the number of hydrogen atoms.
  6. Q was a Queen, who wore a silk slip; R was a Robber, and wanted a whip.
  7. The fervor of an Englishman's loyalty is usually in a direct ratio with the extent of his material possessions.
  8. This ratio constitutes one of the most important points in diagnosis, since it is practically unknown in other diseases.
  9. The service is practically the same, but the ratio of charges is from two to three times higher in the coffee room.
  10. Four hundred thousand pounds probably bore as great a ratio to the wealth of Scotland then as forty millions would bear now.