pythoness / ˈpaɪ θə nɪs, ˈpɪθ ə- /


pythoness 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a woman believed to be possessed by a soothsaying spirit, as the priestess of Apollo at Delphi.
  2. a woman who practices divination.

pythoness 近义词


等同于 sorceress

pythoness 的近义词 5


  1. Dora stood in the center of the room like an enraged pythoness, her eyes blazing with passion.
  2. He sent messengers to ascertain if the Pythoness could tell what he, the King of Lydia, was doing on a certain specified day.
  3. In these paroxysms, Joanna raved like an ancient Pythoness whirling on her tripod, and to just about the same purpose.
  4. The Countess stood in the midst of her apartment like a juvenile Pythoness under the influence of the prophetic fury.
  5. The prophecy of Nostradamus is also obviously imitated from the response of the Delphic Pythoness to Œdipus.