pyrometer / paɪˈrɒm ɪ tər /


pyrometer 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an apparatus for measuring high temperatures that uses the radiation emitted by a hot body as a basis for measurement.


  1. Pyrometer, pī-rom′e-tėr, n. an instrument in the form of a metallic bar for measuring the temperature of bodies under heat.
  2. The end of the tube was then embedded in the coal, when the pyrometer indicated a temperature of 1260 Fahr.
  3. In all experiments relating to temperature pretending to any degree of accuracy, a pyrometer of some kind should be used.
  4. In these furnaces the tube of the pyrometer is inserted through one of the apertures at the top, as shown in Fig. 7.
  5. He was never tired regulating the tubes, trying the taps, and testing the heat of the gas by the pyrometer.