pyrites / paɪˈraɪ tiz, pə-, ˈpaɪ raɪts /


pyrites 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural py·ri·tes.Mineralogy.

  1. pyrite.
  2. marcasite.
  3. any of various other metallic sulfides, as of copper or tin.


  1. Quartz, containing disseminated hematitic iron-ore and copper pyrites.
  2. The apparatus is so easy of installation that it may be applied without much expense to pyrites furnaces already in operation.
  3. When they are found combined by nature, the substance is called pyrites.
  4. The primary sources of gold are reefs, either in quartz or in metalliferous veins of galena and the various pyrites.
  5. Take three drachms of gum bdellium, put the stone pyrites on the coals, and let her take the fumes into her womb.