pusillanimity / ˌpyu sə ləˈnɪm ɪ ti /


pusillanimity 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the state or condition of being pusillanimous; timidity; cowardliness.

pusillanimity 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. Once again, Republican pusillanimity in the face of gun fanaticism threatens to gut sane gun legislation in Congress.
  2. He exhorted his hearers to imitate the example of Paris, and accused the royal officers of indolence and pusillanimity.
  3. England then might, with more reason, reproach her own rulers for pusillanimity than the Corsicans for ingratitude.
  4. Comments were very freely made on the energy displayed by commanders in some instances, in contrast with pusillanimity in others.
  5. The Elector's struggle with himself was long and violent, but pusillanimity and self-interest for awhile prevailed.
  6. But the pusillanimity which I have observed among the so-called Liberals has given me cause for reflection.