punctilio / pʌŋkˈtɪl iˌoʊ /


punctilio 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural punc·til·i·os for 1.

  1. a fine point, particular, or detail, as of conduct, ceremony, or procedure.
  2. strictness or exactness in the observance of formalities or amenities.

punctilio 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. Accept the situation, and fight for yourself, taking your advantage where you can, and casting away scruples of punctilio.
  2. Never did a more foolish punctilio bring about so terrible a result.
  3. Absorbed in reflections of such unspeakable moment, I had no leisure to heed the niceties of punctilio.
  4. The doctor greeted William cordially, and with that punctilio that a man offers to one whom he recognizes as his superior.
  5. But I will not stand on punctilio when it is a question of trying to save a Penreath of Twelvetrees from the gallows.