pulvillus / pʌlˈvɪl əs /


pulvillus 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural pul·vil·li [puhl-vil-ahy]. /pʌlˈvɪl aɪ/. Entomology.

  1. a soft, padlike structure located at the base of each claw on the feet of certain insects.


  1. The little tarsus is like the tarsus of the hind leg with its claws and its pulvillus, only, of course, it is smaller.
  2. Extension plate: a structure at the base of the pulvillus whose function it is to extend it.
  3. Extension sole: the pad-like pulvillus which may be extended by the extension plate through the pressure plate.
  4. Pad: the pulvillus, or that part of it which is capable of extension and retraction in some Coleoptera.
  5. Plantula: a lobe of the divided tarsal pulvillus; one of the soles or climbing cushions of the foot: see arolium; pulviglus.