pulu / ˈpu lu /


pulu 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a soft, elastic vegetable fiber of yellow-brown hue obtained from the young fronds of Hawaiian tree ferns, used for mattress and pillow stuffing.


  1. Ye know what Pulu is, iv coorse, an' I'm sure ye'll be glad to know that this refreshin' bev'rage or soap is on th' free list.
  2. The word "polo" is derived from Tibetan pulu, meaning a knot of willow wood.
  3. To Pulu: a long march of, I should think, little under eighteen miles.
  4. It was called "O le asi pulu tangata," the asi tree the refuge of men.
  5. The great funeral ceremony, or rather death-dance, of the Western Islanders took place in the island of Pulu.