pugging / ˈpʌg ɪŋ /


pugging 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the act of a person who pugs.
  2. coarse mortar or the like for deadening sound.


  1. This is called "pugging," and the whole thing—trough, shaft, and knives—is a "pug mill."
  2. The engravings herewith illustrate a new form of mixing or pugging machine for making mortar or any other similar material.
  3. In our illustrations, C is a knife-edge rail, upon which run grooved wheels supporting the pugging box.
  4. When cracks appear or96 joints open, they should be stopped with a pugging of fire clay and grog.
  5. Where a shelf or prop rocks insecurely, a small wad of pugging (grog and clay) will give a steady bearing.