any of several alcidine sea birds of the genera Fratercula and Lunda, having a short neck and a large, compressed, grooved bill, as F. arctica, of the North Atlantic.
For the adventurous, try the reindeer or puffin; for those feeling fishy, go for arctic char or the array of sushi.
You won't keep him long, you know, for Puffin's a man certain of good preferment.
Puffin wore his hair very long indeed, while the whole of his face was clean shaven.
Puffin would write all the letters; and as for the lawsuits, you would win them, and the costs would not come out of your pocket.
The vicar and his wife looked at one another; but they respected Mr. Puffin's prejudices, and ceased to press him.
He had even told Miss Grains that he looked upon Mr. Puffin as a "philanderer," and that "he didn't hold with philanderers."