puffery / ˈpʌf ə ri /


puffery 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural puff·er·ies.

  1. undue or exaggerated praise.
  2. publicity, acclaim, etc., that is full of undue or exaggerated praise.

puffery 近义词

n. 名词 noun

extravagant commendation

puffery 的近义词 3


  1. That’s not political puffery, it’s her work ethic and drive.
  2. Regular readers may recall that we concluded in that race that he had engaged in a bit of résumé puffery, suggesting he had had a top-secret security clearance for longer than five months.
  3. He has an aversion to overblown rhetoric and theatrical puffery.
  4. That is a large and fuzzy statement, maybe even approaching puffery.
  5. And yet they say these latter days of ours are distinguished above all else by shameless puffery!
  6. And yet Spain, in no idle spirit of self-puffery, can boast of this achievement.
  7. How I hate the glib rattle of his tongue, the mouldiness of his jests and the transparency of his puffery!
  8. Among my experiences of that nauseous ingredient in theatrical life, puffery, some have been amusing enough.
  9. It is, as will be seen, in the nature of a crusade against puffery and hysteria.