puca / ˈpu kə /


puca 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an Irish spirit, mischievous but not malevolent, corresponding to the English Puck.


  1. The large yellow puca-çiçi is seen in multitudes in the open air, and it even penetrates into the dwellings.
  2. The gander cleaned the table, and carried it away, and the Puca said, “Play up music for these ladies.”
  3. Then the Puca said to pay the Piper, and every old woman drew out a gold piece and gave it to him.
  4. They went out then, and just as he was going to ride on the Puca, the gander came up to him and gave him a new set of pipes.
  5. Then the Puca struck three blows with his foot, and a great door opened, and they passed in together into a fine room.