pterygium / təˈrɪdʒ i əm /


pterygium 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural pte·ryg·i·ums, pte·ryg·i·a [tuh-rij-ee-uh]. /təˈrɪdʒ i ə/. Ophthalmology.

  1. an abnormal triangular mass of thickened conjunctiva extending over the cornea and interfering with vision.


  1. Pterygium should be removed when advancing across the cornea, especially when the pupillary area is becoming involved.
  2. Each consists of a basal portion, the basi-pterygium, and of a number of dermal rays.
  3. There is always a large basi-pterygium which lies imbedded in the muscles and meets its fellow at its proximal end.
  4. In Chimaera all three basalia are present, but the meso-pterygium is shifted and does not articulate with the pectoral girdle.
  5. The males in Elasmobranchii and Holocephali have the distal end of the meta-pterygium prolonged into a clasper.