pteron / ˈtɛr ɒn /


pteron 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a colonnade parallel to, but apart from, the cella.
  2. the space between this and the cella.


  1. The 838 pteron consisted (according to Pliny) of thirty-six columns of the Ionic order, enclosing a square cella.
  2. Above the pteron rose the pyramid, mounting by 24 steps to an apex or pedestal.
  3. The generic name is derived from the Greek word pteron, “a wing,” and the specific name comes from the Latin aquila, “an eagle.”
  4. It comes from two Greek words orthos, meaning straight, and pteron, meaning a wing.
  5. Greek, pteron, a wing, the feathery fronds suggesting the wings of a bird.