psalm / sɑm /


psalm 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a sacred song or hymn.
  2. any of the songs, hymns, or prayers contained in the Book of Psalms.
  3. a metric version or paraphrase of any of these.
  4. a poem of a similar nature.

psalm 近义词

n. 名词 noun

song of praise


  1. Read Psalm 137, the one that was turned into the catchy reggae song “Rivers of Babylon.”
  2. You can even find out what the first book printed in America was (The Bay Psalm Book).
  3. Another quoted Psalm 137 to speak of the Jews exiled in Babylon longing for Zion.
  4. "Le Dieu, le Fort, l'ternel parlera," was the first line of a favorite Huguenot psalm.
  5. At times he thought to aggravate his victim's sufferings by singing snatches of favorite psalms from the Huguenot psalm-book.
  6. But his fervor was all stage fire, and he would turn in an instant from a denunciatory Psalm to a humorous story.
  7. His cries ceased; her thoughts went off into a dreamy psalm of thanksgiving as his soft mouth pulled at her breast.
  8. According to this gentleman the Boers were a psalm-singing but hypocritical nation addicted to slave-driving.