protozoon 的定义
plural pro·to·zo·a [proh-tuh-zoh-uh]. /ˌproʊ təˈzoʊ ə/.
- In Europe a peculiar ciliated Protozoon (Trichodina spongill) is found attached to the external surface of freshwater sponges.
- For we may look at this matter in another light, and say our exuberant protozoon has shed a daughter, and remains.
- I dissent quite from what you say of the myriads of years it would take to people the world with such imagined protozoon.
- This protozoon secretes a shell about itself which has a characteristic shape, and often carries spines.
- Now, if so, how long would it take to obtain an elephant from a protozoon or even from a tadpole-like fish?