Biochemistry. any of numerous, highly varied organic molecules constituting a large portion of the mass of every life form and necessary in the diet of all animals and other nonphotosynthesizing organisms, composed of 20 or more amino acids linked in a genetically controlled linear sequence into one or more long polypeptide chains, the final shape and other properties of each protein being determined by the side chains of the amino acids and their chemical attachments: proteins include such specialized forms as collagen for supportive tissue, hemoglobin for transport, antibodies for immune defense, and enzymes for metabolism.
the plant or animal tissue rich in such molecules, considered as a food source supplying essential amino acids to the body.
a substance thought to be the essential nitrogenous component of all organic bodies.
adj. 形容词 adjective
Biochemistry. of the nature of or containing protein.
The spike protein is a target but not necessarily the best target.
Scientists used a virus that causes the common cold in chimpanzees, and added the spike protein that Covid-19 uses to break into human cells.
Those viruses, adenovirus 5 and adenovirus 26, were each engineered to make the coronavirus’ spike protein.
On its first foray into the competition, contestant AIs were given 43 protein-folding problems to solve.
To build their synaptic timeline, the team analyzed the brain of a type of transgenic mice that have some proteins in their synapses highlighted with a fluorescent protein.
One detainee was bent over for a rectal feeding that involved Ensure, the protein shake.
Instead, opt for eating complete meals with good sources of protein and fiber.
Green plants in pre-flowering stages may contain significant protein but not fat.
But is bug protein really any better than traditional protein sources, like chicken, or your go-to protein powder?
But as a nutrition-obsessed senior at Brown University, he struggled to find a protein bar he actually liked.
The test is simple and harmless if the scratch is not too deep and if the protein is not injected beneath the skin.
In the normal eyes and nose this splitting of the protein proceeds slowly, forming only minute amounts of poison.
The protein is the same as before and can be injected once into any number of dogs without harm.
After the first poisoning, the epithelia are permanently injured and remain more permeable to protein.
Koessler expressly warns against commercial preparations of pollen protein because of the danger of decomposition.