prohibitionist / ˌproʊ əˈbɪʃ ə nɪst /


prohibitionist 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who favors or advocates prohibition.
  2. a member of the Prohibition party.

prohibitionist 近义词


等同于 abstainer

prohibitionist 的近义词 8
prohibitionist 的反义词 1

等同于 teetotaler

prohibitionist 的近义词 2
prohibitionist 的反义词 6


  1. Collins blames prohibitionist forces in 1961 for perpetuating this fantasy—which he says still exists.
  2. In the end, however, the prohibitionist side seems to benefit most of all.
  3. That is why some of the Southern States have been so ardently prohibitionist.
  4. If anything would make me a total prohibitionist those would.
  5. That is my one point—that we shall not at the outset repel every man who is not a Prohibitionist.
  6. I surely am as earnest a prohibitionist and total abstainer as any woman or man in South Dakota or anywhere else.
  7. I am theoretically a prohibitionist, but grateful to the enemy for having saved my life.