of, relating to, consisting of, or resembling program music.
of, having, advocating, resembling, or following a plan, policy, or program: programmatic art.
of, relating to, or employing a computer program: The coders found a programmatic solution to automate data processing.
At the moment, many clients are accessing the inventory via private marketplace or programmatic guaranteed deals.
Fraudsters seem to be taking advantage of the CTV ad market still being in development, particularly when it comes to the market’s programmatic infrastructure.
Armed with richer first-party data sets, publishers looking to extend their reach using programmatic media channels are proving better match rates when onboarding their data in a post-third-party cookie world.
Even earlier in March, Digiday reported that programmatic rates were down an average of 10 to 20% globally.
It worked as there was a 52% jump in awareness among those who saw the programmatic ads compared to those who did not.
The majority of the rest of the book is devoted to the programmatic agenda of the members of the Federalist Society.
State of the Union addresses tend to be too long and too programmatic.
Every president seems to get bogged down in policy overload and programmatic detail.
The "Pastoral" symphony is by no means the first piece of deliberately, confessedly programmatic music.
Although he strove continually for classic form, his works nevertheless reveal their programmatic origin.
These men often talk as glibly as if they were essayists, they often seem to be mere vehicles for programmatic manifestoes.
Musical modernity and the programmatic form had come to seem inseparable.
Like “Zarathustra,” it would be effective as music without a line of programmatic explanation.