privateer / ˌpraɪ vəˈtɪər /


privateer2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an armed ship that is privately owned and manned, commissioned by a government to fight or harass enemy ships.
  2. privateersman.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to cruise as a privateer.

privateer 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. Not content to only heli-ski in Alaska’s short season from mid-February through April, Harms became a privateer, founding what would become Third Edge Heli with Clark Fyans in 2007.
  2. Check out Privateer Holdings, a venture-capital firm based in Seattle that is about to close on $7 million in funding.
  3. One of her courtiers bet that Clark Gable as Rhett Butler would be her ideal, “a privateer, a romantic, and a fabulous cad.”
  4. This heritage has so influenced his cuisine that Roellinger is often referred to as "the privateer chef."
  5. Countless dogs fought under the feet of passers-by, and over all leered the sardonic face of Jean Bart, pirate and privateer.
  6. The scheme was not impossible for any one holding a privateer's commission, and I applied to Mr. Yancey for a letter-of-marque.
  7. Two days afterward he came upon a British privateer, which was on the hunt for American vessels.
  8. Soon after he had some lively service in the Wasp, and captured a British privateer with the little sloop Sachem.
  9. But the privateer captain had seen the fate of the General Monk and concluded that he had business elsewhere.