the art or technique of making prints, especially as practiced in engraving, etching, drypoint, woodcut or serigraphy.
While the artists at the workshop engaged in many different media, printmaking was a key tool for raising awareness for broader audiences.
The techniques of printmaking and sculptural casting, with their complex choreographies of replication and mirror reversal, presence and absence, are everywhere in play.
Underwood mingles photography, printmaking, painting and sculpture into an artistic ecosystem.
They each offer several versions of the same basic flower, employing different colors and techniques to represent the variety in nature — and in printmaking.
Currier and Ives was a printmaking firm based out of New York City from 1834 to 1907.
Soon he approached Ken Raasch, a California entrepreneur, with the idea of setting up a printmaking business.
On the evidence we have, the new conception Jackson brought to printmaking was not fully understood until the 20th century.