princess / ˈprɪn sɪs, -sɛs, prɪnˈsɛs /


princess2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a nonreigning female member of a royal family.
  2. History/Historical. a female sovereign or monarch; queen.
  3. the consort of a prince.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Also princesse. styled with a close-fitting bodice and flared skirt, cut in single pieces, as gores, from shoulder to hem.

princess 近义词


等同于 lady


等同于 noblewoman


等同于 empress


等同于 mogul


等同于 monarch


等同于 noble


等同于 potentate


等同于 prima donna

princess 的近义词 7

等同于 ruler

princess 的近义词 7

等同于 sovereign


  1. The journey through a magical and illogical land to rescue two princesses is sort of a 20th-century Pilgrim’s Progress — and may help you find your purpose too.
  2. This update on the classic game of capitalism stars everyone’s favorite princess-rescuing plumber, Mario.
  3. She must be a princess, they decide, and that is how they choose to raise her.
  4. If a show didn’t happen to have a princess in it, there probably weren’t many females.
  5. That was the movie that led her, as a teenager, to start rethinking how she used to think about princesses.
  6. And then that chorus kicks in, and the young lady formerly known as Lizzy Grant transforms into the princess of darkness.
  7. Were it not for them, nobody would have even built the brand new arena where Sarah saw a PRINCESS!
  8. Then he read the golden inscription and saw that she was a princess.
  9. Both heroines are women, but they offer a pretty bizarre dichotomy for girls: Ice queen or ditzy princess.
  10. Princess Ariel and Prince Eric walk down the aisle, and are greeted by a stout clergyman who is allegedly too happy to see them.
  11. The Princess still kept her eyes fixed on Louis, while, in a suppressed and unsteady voice, she answered her governess.
  12. But first he held a whispered colloquy with the Princess, whom he entreated, or persuaded, to re-enter her gorgeous vehicle.
  13. Louis listened with pleasure, and dwelt with delight on the interesting Princess and her son.
  14. The Princess was pale and thin; and, though dressed superbly, seemed fitter for her chamber.
  15. Besides, I've read of such things in the Princess Novelettes; only there it's most generally lovers, not 'usbins, nor yet fathers.