presently / ˈprɛz ənt li /


presently 的定义

adv. 副词 adverb
  1. in a little while; soon: They will be here presently.
  2. at the present time; now: He is presently out of the country.
  3. Archaic. immediately.

presently 近义词

adv. 副词 adverb

in a short while


  1. He is presently working on Meet the Neighbors, a book about what understanding the minds of animals means for human relations to wild animals and to nature.
  2. The new laws propose allowing farmers to enter into contracts to sell their output directly to private players, bypassing the government-regulated markets, or mandis, where produce sales presently take place.
  3. There is a third group that presently seems to be 15% to 25% that is unlikely to ever come back to a facility to meet their fitness needs.
  4. With agencies culling staff to manage the financial difficulties that have come due to the coronavirus crisis, there are fewer people on staff who are presently managing the work of multiple positions.
  5. The Weather Service’s Storm Prediction Center does not presently predict severe thunderstorms in the region.
  6. However, he has no plans presently to return to Russia to find out.
  7. One thing led to another, and they were presently on a couch in his library.
  8. The use of the F-22 over Syria presently is easily feasible and extremely logical.
  9. In fairness, laws presently on the books allow Pennsylvania legislators to take gifts legally.
  10. Presently Louis rose with a nod to us and offered his arm to Constance, and they strolled away along the river wall.
  11. It wasn't far, so we kept on, and presently it developed that we had accidentally come upon old Piegan Smith.
  12. Presently he began to shiver so, with some sort of a chill, that I took off my coat and wrapped it round him.
  13. Presently there was a clattering of hoofs behind him, and Ribsy came galloping along the road, with nothing on him but his collar.
  14. It is impossible to believe that thus far it is anything but a sketch and intimation of what it will presently be.
  15. The friends were standing close to the wall; but on these sounds they moved away; and a key presently turned in the door.