preoccupying / priˈɒk yəˌpaɪ /


preoccupying 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

pre·oc·cu·pied, pre·oc·cu·py·ing.

  1. to absorb or engross to the exclusion of other things.
  2. to occupy beforehand or before others.

preoccupying 近义词

v. 动词 verb



  1. To modern workers everywhere,To modern workers everywhere,In the 1960s, American architects were preoccupied with erecting iconic buildings along city skylines.
  2. In the 1960s, America’s architects were mostly preoccupied with erecting iconic buildings along city skylines.
  3. These days, Brown gets up every morning, logs on to her computer and pretends to work while her son is preoccupied with school assignments.
  4. We won’t be preoccupied with cooking or getting ready for guests.
  5. Both can be preoccupied with beauty, but design also has to function to be successful.
  6. “They” want to “stop us from talking about subjects that preoccupy you,” he argued.
  7. To preoccupy this ground, therefore, seemed an important step.
  8. On a first reading, the pathetic passages preoccupy the reader, and he is cheated out of an alms in the shape of sympathy.
  9. He refers, for proof of his statements, mostly to English documents, and does not try to preoccupy your mind.
  10. The Government should preoccupy itself largely with this matter of assimilation: for the process is not complete.
  11. She expostulated earnestly with him on the folly of allowing money cares and ambitions to preoccupy him.