pre-adamite / priˈæd əˌmaɪt /


pre-adamite2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person supposed to have existed before Adam.
  2. a person who believes that there were people in existence before Adam.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Also pre-A·dam·ic [pre-uh-dam-ik]. /ˌprɛ əˈdæm ɪk/. existing before Adam.
  2. of or relating to the pre-Adamites.


  1. He has picked pre-primary brawls with Christie, Perry, and Marco Rubio.
  2. At that time, pre -9/11, the links were more subtle and had to be hunted down.
  3. While in pre-trial detention, Krivov undertook two hunger strikes.
  4. At his year-end, pre-Hawaii press conference, we caught a rare glimpse of peak Obama.
  5. Instead, the military commission proceedings are bogged down in a pre-trial phase, as it has been for the past three years.
  6. The Spaniards, indeed, feigned to regard them only as a remnant of the rebels who had joined the pre-existing brigand bands.
  7. Doubtless the commentator habit is fixed in the nature of man; but it was pre-eminently mediaeval.
  8. From pre-natal days I was destined for the railway service, as an oyster to its shell.
  9. Dr. Wilson says, in the statistical accounts of Scotland, many of which are suggestive of a pre-Raleigh period.
  10. Offered to Him that liveth for ever and ever, it celebrates his eternal pre-existence and existence to eternal ages.