potheen / pəˈθin, -ˈtin, -ˈtʃin, poʊ- /


potheen 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. We live in a fortress on the crest of a hill overlooking a little Irish town, a centre of the pig and potheen industries.
  2. Coming hilariously through the dwelling into the shop, these were soon busily drinking their 'potheen.'
  3. It was at that time considered that no revenue officer would notice potheen if he met it, as a guest.
  4. Oh, they'd soon knock all that out of him; besides, isn't he one of these potheen boys?
  5. In all their Religious Solemnities, Potheen is said to be an indispensable requisite, and largely consumed.