potassium / pəˈtæs i əm /


potassium 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a silvery-white metallic element that oxidizes rapidly in the air and whose compounds are used as fertilizer and in special hard glasses. Symbol: K; atomic weight: 39.102; atomic number: 19; specific gravity: 0.86 at 20°C.


  1. That’s because the kidneys, which filter out waste from the blood, maintain a special ratio of electrolytes, such as sodium, to potassium, to water.
  2. In most insects, large “principal” cells pull in positively charged ions, such as potassium.
  3. Plants get a boost from fertilizer, but check the ratio of key nutrients — nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium — to see if it matches the plant you’re feeding.
  4. Like a skunk’s spray, their traces of sodium and potassium would stand out amid the company of less potent atoms.
  5. India’s iodization push of the 1980s and 1990s succeeded because the government helped saltmakers buy modern equipment and provided free potassium iodate and technical support.
  6. It takes around 48 hours for a patient poisoned with potassium to die, which gave Poggiali plenty of distance from the deaths.
  7. The summertime staple is also a good source of potassium, vitamin A and vitamin C. 2.
  8. Unlike sports beverages, coconut water is low in carbohydrates, while still rich in potassium.
  9. They also have potassium for hydration and iron for healthy circulation.
  10. Feel good about using cottage cheese as a dip because it delivers calcium, quality protein and potassium.
  11. By far the most important of the conjugate sulphates and representative of the group is potassium indoxyl sulphate.
  12. Indol is absorbed and oxidized into indoxyl, which combines with potassium and sulphuric acid and is thus excreted.
  13. Bromide of potassium is generally recognised as the most effective anti-epileptic remedy we at present possess.
  14. For the last six years he has regularly taken the bromides of potassium and ammonium (one drachm and a half) daily.
  15. For six years past she has taken regularly the bromides of potassium and ammonium, one drachm of each daily.