after a person’s death, typically the death of the author or other artist: The sculpture, designed in 1967 by American artist Tony Smith, was exhibited posthumously.
I reached out to Janny Scott, who conducted the posthumously published 2015 interview with Sheehan and wrote his obituary and the accompanying piece for the Times, to ask how to square the historical record with her framing of the story.
Jerry Lawson, the engineer who pioneered the first video game cartridge and who passed away in 2011, will be awarded posthumously.
In 1921, Mach’s book The Principles of Physical Optics was published posthumously, and contained a preface written by the author around 1913, shortly after Einstein had sent him the early paper on general relativity.
Much of this interest can be traced back to the hologram performance given posthumously by Tupac Shakur back at Coachella about eight years ago.
He was nominated on four previous occasions — 1937, 1938, 1939 and 1947 — and the Nobel Committee could have awarded him posthumously in 1948.
The opposite phenomenon also occurs: neglected writers who ascend to prominence only posthumously.
And the fact that Turing was only posthumously pardoned by the Queen late last year is pretty insane.
Posthumously, he's taken on a side gig as a zombie hunter, as well as a gay icon.
His novel The Last Magazine, published posthumously this month, is just like him: blistering, fun, insightful, and profane.
And yet leave he did; he chose to exile himself—that is, to die and live posthumously elsewhere.
Miss Austen's last book, like her first, was published posthumously and she left nothing else but a couple of fragments.
For his Academy he made the elaborate notes for a Treatise on Painting which were posthumously published.
The lectures, published posthumously, became a text-book for students, and reached a nineteenth edition in 1851.
It will not be out of place to compare it with the hands of the late Archbishop of Canterbury, which were cast posthumously.
His Tractatus de materia medica, published posthumously in 1741, was long celebrated.