portraitist / ˈpɔr trɪ tɪst, -treɪ-, ˈpoʊr- /
portraitist 的定义
- This week: Philip Larkin goes Hollywood, the portrait of a portraitist, and getting rich quick in China.
- He's a great portraitist, and far more successful than Frieda, but he is genuine in his admiration of good work.
- He was a portraitist who solemnly believed in the principle of decoration—character must take its chances when he painted.
- Franz Hals was on a level with Velasquez in respect of facility in execution, and like him seems to have been a born portraitist.
- It is well known that the famous sculptor is a remarkable portraitist.
- As a portraitist, Titian's is the only name to be coupled with that of Velasquez.