polygala / pəˈlɪg ə lə /


polygala 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any plant of the genus Polygala, comprising the milkworts.


  1. I usually find it and the fringed polygala in bloom at the same time; the lady's-slipper is a little later.
  2. Youth, after all, is a shamefaced and secretive season; like the fringed polygala, it hides its real blossom underground.
  3. I must not forget to mention that delicate and lovely flower of May, the fringed polygala.
  4. Its scientific name, Polygala, is derived from Greek and means “much milk,” and the plant was supposed to encourage lactation.
  5. But the polygala is quite inodorous, while the guaco gives forth a strong aromatic smell, resembling valerian.