composed or sent maliciously, as a letter, usually anonymously and for the purpose of damaging another's reputation or happiness: The newspaper received a poison-pen letter alleging that the mayor was misusing city funds.
characterized by or given to the sending of poison-pen letters: a poison-pen campaign; a poison-pen writer.
Leapolitan responded by saying, “hopefully youll [sic] bite into a poison apple.”
And some members of the Lizard Squad are now claiming that they were never trying to poison the network.
Storey said Wright often returned applications “dripping in red pen.”
One industry executive complained that Wright returned unapproved applications “dripping in red pen.”
Infernal, it can cause fires and explosions; toxic, it can debilitate, poison, and kill.
Squinty, several times, looked at the hole under the pen, by which he had once gotten out.
Several times after this the boy and his sisters came to look down into the pig pen.
She also practises etching, pen-and-ink drawing, as well as crayon and water-color sketching.
And right after that, some nice sour milk would come splashing down into the trough of the pen.
Then the boy lifted out the comical little pig, and Squinty found himself inside a large box, very much like the pen at home.