pointe-aux-trembles / French pwɛ̃ toʊˈtrɑ̃ blə /


pointe-aux-trembles 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a city in S Quebec, in E Canada, N of Montreal, on the St. Lawrence.


  1. She looks sideways as the monster speaker booms and trembles and young men dance toward her.
  2. Curled into a fetal position on an outdoor, candle-lit matt in Costa Rica, the 18-year-old trembles in fear.
  3. Dench trembles whilst uttering the words, “out damned spots!”
  4. One or two, it seemed to me, were actually still tiptoeing “en pointe.”
  5. Like most mothers in France, she was well versed in the art of chausson aux pommes, a simple applesauce tart with a pastry crust.
  6. Au retour de cette rivire Sainct Jean, nostre voyage s'addressoit jusques aux Armouchiquoys.
  7. Car les Sauvages ayans encore de la reverence aux sepultures de leurs peres & amis, le vouloient porter au Cap de Sable 40.
  8. Toutefois les Armouchiquois & autres plus esloigns plantent du bl & des fevs, mais ils laissent faire cela aux femmes.
  9. Quand aux femmes on a donn des filleules celles qui ensuiuent.
  10. But having chosen the Champs aux Capuchins, it was idle to expect that one stretch of turf would prove firmer than another.