poached 的 2 个定义
- to trespass, especially on another's game preserve, in order to steal animals or to hunt.
- to take game or fish illegally.
- to become broken up or slushy by being trampled.
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- to trespass on, especially in order to hunt or fish.
- to steal from another's property.
- to take without permission and use as one's own: to poach ideas; a staff poached from other companies.
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poached 近义词
infringe upon; trespass
poached 的近义词 11 个
poached 的反义词 3 个
- When I’ve made this dessert, I usually reduce the liquid I've used to poach the pears down a bit, so it becomes a rich syrup to pour over the pears and ice cream.
- The first community-led project, called Human Presence Detection, will alert park rangers of poaching risk using audio sampling to detect human presence in areas where humans are not supposed to be.
- Barber got her first taste of the startup world when she was poached from McKinsey to join one of the several online pet supply stores that cropped up in 1999.
- As the mix bubbles over an open burner, small shrimp are tossed in to cook for a few minutes before an egg is quickly poached or scrambled in the brew.
- Lobster poached in butter and arranged with fennel puree and baby carrots is delicious if routine.
- Last year, rhinos were killed at a rate of three per day—astonishing when compared to the six total rhinos poached in 2000.
- They are poached instead of hard-boiled, boasting anti-heroes with nihilistic worldviews who are nevertheless vulnerable.
- If elephant, rhino, and other African wildlife are poached to extinction, tourism will dry up.
- Mired in scandal, the Vatican poached an American Fox News journalist to handle communications.
- Both are being mercilessly and illegally poached at a rate not seen for decades.
- Sift the whole through a fine cloth and add the yolks of a hundred poached eggs.
- By-and-by the coffee, the rolls and butter, and the poached eggs appeared.
- This morning I was really ill at last; had hardly any breakfast; simply couldn't look a poached in the yolk.
- For instance, eggs should not be cooked at a higher temperature in making desserts than when they are being poached.
- Her lamps had a wistful look—a look as innocent and helpless as that with which poached eggs gaze up at you before they die.