pneumonia / nʊˈmoʊn yə, -ˈmoʊ ni ə, nyʊ- /


pneumonia 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. inflammation of the lungs with congestion.
  2. Also called lobar pneumonia. an acute disease of the lungs, caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae and characterized by fever, a cough with blood-tinged phlegm, and difficult breathing.


  1. Then, in December 2019, the first reports emerged from Wuhan, China, about a scary transmissible pneumonia, most likely some kind of bat virus.
  2. The influenza’s unprecedented tendency to cause pneumonia meant that many would die within just several days of infection.
  3. The pneumonia cleared up after a few days but my dad remained positive for coronavirus so he couldn’t leave for a nursing home to get rehab for his leg.
  4. At this time last year, most Americans had not yet heard of a strange cluster of pneumonia cases affecting people in Wuhan, China.
  5. He caught pneumonia at the beginning of the pandemic and was hospitalized.
  6. He contracted pneumonia, but he recovered and returned to demonstrating.
  7. The following year, he developed pneumocystis pneumonia—a serious infection associated with HIV and AIDS.
  8. Spread happens easily, however, and epidemics are propagated when the third form of plague occurs: pneumonia plague.
  9. Context: The comedian said this to his much-younger wife, Erin Fleming, before succumbing to pneumonia.
  10. Back in my home in Perryville, Missouri, I attended a lady who was dying of pneumonia.
  11. It is sometimes met with in the sputum of catarrhal pneumonia, bronchitis, and tuberculosis.
  12. In pneumonia chlorids are constantly very low, and in some cases are absent entirely.
  13. When pneumonia occurs during the course of a chronic bronchitis, the characteristic rusty red sputum may not appear.
  14. This condition caused many "flu" patients to develop pneumonia and to die.
  15. In other diseases, like diphtheria and pneumonia, they are soon lost,—hence the recurrence of such diseases.