plutonium / pluˈtoʊ ni əm /


plutonium 的定义

n. 名词 noun

Chemistry, Physics.

  1. a transuranic element with a fissile isotope of mass number 239 that can be produced from non-fissile uranium 238, as in a breeder reactor. Symbol: Pu; atomic number: 94.


  1. Researchers there were helping design nuclear reactors to produce the plutonium needed to create an atomic bomb.
  2. Within one piece of the sample, the scientists searched for a variety of plutonium called plutonium-244, which is produced by the r-process.
  3. A smattering of plutonium atoms embedded in Earth’s crust are helping to resolve the origins of nature’s heaviest elements.
  4. Scientists had long suspected that elements such as gold, silver and plutonium are born during supernovas, when stars explode.
  5. The scientists can’t say if the plutonium they detected also came from those supernovas.
  6. When my oldest child was a toddler, I treated illuminated screens like plutonium.
  7. The reactor has the potential to produce weapons grade plutonium.
  8. The reactor has the potential to produce weapon grade plutonium.
  9. No one seems worried about 30 to 40 pounds of missing plutonium.
  10. But on his watch North Korea, the chief target of his ire, reprocessed enough plutonium to make six new nuclear weapons.
  11. I wonder if he mightn't have some idea of what else plutonium can be used for, beside generating power.
  12. He also managed to convey King Orgzild's pleasure at having obtained the plutonium.
  13. You see, the uranium or plutonium fission-bomb's been obsolete for over four hundred years.
  14. Here was also a sacred cavern, styled by Strabo Plutonium, and Charonium; which sent up pestilential effluvia.
  15. Rip went to it and examined the raw plutonium, being careful to keep the pieces widely separated.