plumpish / ˈplʌm pɪʃ /


plumpish 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. somewhat plump; tending to plumpness.

plumpish 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. He was a small, plumpish, round-faced man in his early forties, who spoke in perpetual italics.
  2. The mild-looking, plumpish, blond-haired man whose face came onto the screen was immediately recognizable.
  3. The second newcomer was a red-faced, plumpish man with an almost offensively hearty manner.
  4. An astonishingly young, pleasingly plumpish woman, with nothing remarkable about her except a certain splendid calm.
  5. I think it was the sight of a plumpish young man in a horsey brown coat that settled my choice of pub.