pleura 的定义
plural pleu·rae [ploor-ee] /ˈplʊər i/ for 1.
- Anatomy, Zoology. a delicate serous membrane investing each lung in mammals and folded back as a lining of the corresponding side of the thorax.
- plural of pleuron.
pleura 近义词
等同于 lung
等同于 flank
- The pleura pulmonalis had (where there wore no adhesions) interspersed over it patches of false exudation, of a dark brown colour.
- There was an effusion to the extent of about sixteen ounces of light-brown fluid, found in the cavities of the pleura.
- The pleura of both lungs was much puckered, and interspersed with dark red patches around the adhesions.
- It was rough and irregular over its surface, from a variety of indurated substances projecting from beneath the pleura.
- The cartilages of ribs were ossified, and both lungs were adhering strongly to the pleura costalis.