plenipotentiary / ˌplɛn ə pəˈtɛn ʃiˌɛr i, -ʃə ri /


plenipotentiary2 个定义

n. 名词 noun

plural plen·i·po·ten·ti·ar·ies.

  1. a person, especially a diplomatic agent, invested with full power or authority to transact business on behalf of another.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. invested with full power or authority, as a diplomatic agent.
  2. conferring or bestowing full power, as a commission.
  3. absolute or full, as power.

plenipotentiary 近义词

n. 名词 noun


plenipotentiary 的近义词 4


  1. There was no American plenipotentiary empowered to make any political compact with the Islanders.
  2. A day or two after the new plenipotentiary had set out on his mission, he received a touching letter from his master.
  3. He appears as it were the latter's unacknowledged representative ashore, a plenipotentiary without credentials.
  4. None but the like-minded can come plenipotentiary to our court.
  5. So far, we have alluded only to the instructions prepared before plenipotentiary departure.