placket / ˈplæk ɪt /


placket 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the opening or slit at the top of a skirt, or in a dress or blouse, that facilitates putting it on and taking it off.
  2. a pocket, especially one in a woman's skirt.
  3. Archaic. a petticoat.a woman.


  1. The placket of a skirt should have an underlap extending well below the opening.
  2. In finishing the top of an underskirt, many like to dispense with the placket and fitted band.
  3. There should be a double line of stitching across the bottom of the hem to strengthen the placket.
  4. A simple placket for underwear is made from a single strip of the goods put on like an extension hem.
  5. If done before joining the gores the placket can be pressed better and the front is not so liable to be crushed.