placet / ˈpleɪ sɪt /
placet 的定义
n. 名词 noun- an expression or vote of assent or sanction, indicated by the use of the Latin word placet.
- Eight days later, another edict exacted the imperial placet for all bulls or other documents emanating from Rome.
- A decree was issued placet et expediatur on the death of Organist Van den Eede, and a salary of 400 fl.
- Philosophari est mihi necesse, at paucis: nam omnino haut placet.
- Hc vel maxima vi, amaritudine, instantia; illa tractu et suavitate, atque etiam dulcedine placet.
- Seneca says of virtue, 'Non quia delectat placet, sed quia placet delectat.'