placer / ˈplæs ər /


placer 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a surficial mineral deposit formed by the concentration of small particles of heavy minerals, as gold, rutile, or platinum, in gravel or small sands.
  2. the site of a form of mining in which a placer deposit is washed to separate the gold or other valuable minerals.

placer 近义词


等同于 second


等同于 second


  1. Really I had the money, but I just had to spend it in buying the cabin and land that was the only entrance to the placer bed.
  2. Since 1899 placer mining has increased considerably, although the greater part of the return has been from lode mining.
  3. Mining claims are of two classes: lode or quartz claims, and placer claims.
  4. Still lower down we came, on the following day, to a third placer, situated where the valley contracts to a trough.
  5. Elles tendent placer nos troupes dans un dispositif leur permettant de prendre l'offensive dans un dlai assez rapproch.