pixy / ˈpɪk si /


pixy 的定义

n. 名词,形容词 noun

plural pix·ies,

pixy 近义词


等同于 sprite

pixy 的近义词 6

等同于 pygmy

pixy 的近义词 9
pixy 的反义词 1


  1. You must never spy on a Pixy, for they would be sure to pay you out if you did.
  2. He seemed to have made his appearance suddenly, like a pixy child, and to have vanished back into Fairyland.
  3. She was in a pixy mood, and did not mean to show any special haste in beginning her unwelcome work.
  4. Mrs. Bray tells a similar story of a Devonshire pixy, who helped an old woman to spin.
  5. Her shrieks of joy filled the room, and she danced about waving her thin little arms like a veritable pixy.