pitahaya / ˌpɪt əˈhaɪ ə /


pitahaya 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of several cacti of the genus Lemaireocereus and related genera, of the southwestern United States and Mexico, bearing edible fruit.
  2. the fruit of such a cactus.


  1. Besides corn, they manufacture and sell a syrup extracted from the pitahaya.
  2. We plucked the pears of the pitahaya, and ate them greedily; we found service-berries, yampo, and roots of the “pomme blanche.”
  3. When he shot through Pitahaya on his return trip, however, he saw that the car was going at a terrific rate of speed.
  4. And hang on they did until they dashed past the little station of Pitahaya and after several minutes began to slow down.
  5. Their molasses, put up in large jars, hermetically sealed, is expressed from the fruit of the pitahaya.