piscine / ˈpaɪ sin, ˈpɪs aɪn, -in, -ɪn /


piscine 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of, relating to, or resembling a fish or fishes.


  1. In recent years, the piscine darling has helped secure the Scandinavian country favorable trade and tourism agreements with China.
  2. The Old Man was astonished as the Senator, who sat with gaping piscine mouth and pop eyes.
  3. There seems no reason to doubt that modern fish, as a whole, quite equal in size the piscine fauna of any previous geological age.
  4. Now, it is among these piscine characteristics that we find the clue to where Man got his ears.
  5. Today, with a multitude of the afflicted, I bathed in the piscine, a long trough filled with holy water from the grotto.
  6. He leaned forward and fixed the tabletop with a piscine stare.