pilothouse / ˈpaɪ lətˌhaʊs /


pilothouse 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural pi·lot·hous·es [pahy-luht-hou-ziz]. /ˈpaɪ lətˌhaʊ zɪz/. Nautical.

  1. an enclosed structure on the deck of a ship from which it can be navigated.


  1. The two flattened their backs against the pilothouse and sucked in their guts.
  2. A stranger came out of the pilothouse of the Resolute, carrying a big leather suit-case.
  3. An hour later I am in the pilothouse, looking down upon what was once the channel of a peaceful river.
  4. "Mr. Brickland says he has steam enough," said Landy Perkins, reporting to me at the pilothouse.
  5. Hurriedly drawing on dressing gown and slippers, she climbed out into the chill air of night to find Dave in the pilothouse.
  6. He leaped to the pilothouse and roared at the man at the wheel.