pigmented [ pĭgmən-tĭd ]


pigmented 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

    pigmented 近义词


    等同于 brunette/brunet

    pigmented 的近义词 7
    pigmented 的反义词 1
    • blond/blonde

    等同于 brunette

    pigmented 的近义词 8
    pigmented 的反义词 2

    等同于 color

    pigmented 的近义词 8
    pigmented 的反义词 2

    等同于 dye

    pigmented 的近义词 6
    pigmented 的反义词 3


    1. Although the salamander was dead when found, it obviously was more heavily pigmented than the individual from Chinaj.
    2. Note the effect of acids and alkalies respectively upon the pigmented cultivation, or upon solutions of the pigment.
    3. Both the epiblast layers comprising the iris are somewhat atrophied, and the outer one is strongly pigmented.
    4. In colored varieties the males are more strongly pigmented, and the shades of color in them are more pronounced.
    5. They are more deeply pigmented than the rest of the antenna.