pietist / ˈpaɪ ɪˌtɪz əm /


pietist 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a movement, originating in the Lutheran Church in Germany in the 17th century, that stressed personal piety over religious formality and orthodoxy.
  2. the principles and practices of the Pietists.
  3. intensity of religious devotion or feeling.
  4. exaggeration or affectation of piety.

pietist 近义词


等同于 saint


  1. She caused the Pietist to visit her daily and instruct her in the stern belief.
  2. More than once she had thought of changing her mode of life to plunge into a pietist course of simplicity and asceticism.
  3. These laconic words of this wise pietist give us an insight into the significance of emotional life of woman.
  4. The Duchess seemed much annoyed, and said that in this case she would invite the Pietist to preach to her in the castle itself.
  5. Kanitz is a pietist and legitimist, while Blow is neither one nor the other.